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If the price field is empty, you can make an offer to buy the work.

If it says true above, this songwriter is collaborating! You can compose the lyrics.

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Yaşantıma ters düşer

Ben gerçek bir  sevenim
İhanet nedir bilmem
Ölümüne baş koyarım
Sözünden geri dönmem
Sevdim dersem severim
Sevdiğimden vaz geçmem
Karakterim bu benim
Başka birini sevmem
Derlerki bu zamanda
Böyle seven kaldı mı
Kalbindeki aşkını
Aldatmayanlar var mı
Bu zamanda böyle sevenler
Olmaz diyenler
Önce kendi kalplerinden
Şüphe etsinler
Bir çiçekle yaz geçmez
Diyenlerden değilim
Karşılık görmesemde
Sadakatle severim
Yaşantıma ters düşer
Aşkta ihanet bilmem
Sonu hüsran olsada
Ahtimden geri dönmem
Bu dünya bana göre
Bana göre değil ama
Yaratıldım kul diye
Mecburum yaşamaya


Thank you for posting!

Terms of Use

Fill out the form above completely. Enter the price determined by the songwriter of the song you are considering purchasing.

Do not enter missing or incorrect numbers!

After your payment, you cannot use this work until you receive a letter of consent.

The songwriter may have given up on selling his work, or he may have sold it to someone else without informing us. In such a case, the fee you paid will be refunded.

When you purchase the work, the fee paid is under the assurance of ST Yapım until the approval is received from the owner of the work. After the consent process, all responsibility belongs to the songwriter and Beste Bank is responsible for this purchase until the consent is received. Apart from this, he has no responsibility.

You accept the above terms in advance.

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Composition Request

Thank you for posting!

If the songwriter's page does not say "collaboration", you cannot compose lyrics for that artist.

Give offer

Thank you for posting!

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