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Söz Yazarı






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Eternal Echoes

(Verse 1)
Lost in the haze of memories so sweet,
Love's gentle touch, now a bitter defeat,
Torn apart by fate's relentless game,
In this heartache, I bear my name.

Through teardrops falling, I see your face,
In the void, your love, I can't replace,
A shattered soul yearning to be whole,
A tale of love lost, a story untold.

These scars of love run deep inside,
A haunting pain I can't hide,
In the depths of grief, I find my way,
Through the darkness, I'll face the day.

(Verse 2)
In the quiet of night, I feel your presence near,
Whispers of love, I still long to hear,
But you're gone, and I'm left to grieve,
A heart in anguish, struggling to believe.

The pain of love, a relentless tide,
A love so fierce, yet now denied,
In the wreckage of dreams, I search for light,
A beacon of hope in the midst of the night.

These scars of love run deep inside,
A haunting pain I can't hide,
In the depths of grief, I find my way,
Through the darkness, I'll face the day.

Yet, amid the sorrow, I'll rise above,
With strength untamed, I'll learn to love,
For pain and joy dance hand in hand,
A bittersweet symphony, life's reprimand.

(Verse 3)
In the echoes of love, I find solace,
Embracing the hurt, I'll find my purpose,
Through the tears that fall like rain,
A stronger heart, I will attain.

For love's not lost, it lives within,
A timeless bond that won't rescind,
I'll carry your love, deep in my soul,
In this journey of grief, I'll be made whole.

These scars of love run deep inside,
A haunting pain I can't hide,
In the depths of grief, I find my way,
Through the darkness, I'll face the day.

Love, pain, grief, and sadness entwine,
In this symphony of life, their notes combine,
Through the storms, I'll find my grace,
And with love's embrace, I'll find my place.

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Ödemeniz sonrasında size muvafakatname gelene kadar bu eseri kullanamazsınız.

Söz yazar eserini satmaktan vazgeçmiş olabilir, habersiz başka birine satmış ve bize bildirmemiş olabilir. Böyle bir durumda ödediğiniz ücret iade edilecektir.

Eseri satın aldığınızda eser sahibinden onay gelene kadar ödenen ücret ST Yapım güvencesindedir, muvafakatname işlemi sonrasında tüm sorumluluk söz yazarına aittir ve Beste Bankası bu alışverişte muvafakatname alınana kadar sorumludur. Bunun dışında bir sorumluluğu yoktur.

Yukarıdaki şartları peşinen kabul etmiş olursunuz.  


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