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Söz Yazarı






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Shattered Hearts

(Verse 1)
In the depths of my soul, emotions entwine,
Love once bloomed, now memories define,
A heart once whole, now shattered and torn,
Lost in the darkness, I'm trying to mourn.

Pain grips my chest, won't let me be,
Tears flowing freely, can't you see?
The wounds run deep, scars so profound,
Trying to heal, but it's hard to rebound.

Love was the flame that warmed my core,
Now it's gone, and I'm left wanting more,
Grief engulfs me, I'm drowning in sorrow,
Seeking solace in a world so hollow.

(Verse 2)
We were inseparable, two hearts in sync,
But time and distance, a chasm did link,
Promises broken, dreams turned to dust,
Left here alone, my heart left to rust.

The pain of loss, a relentless fight,
Holding on tight to memories so bright,
But grief's heavy hand keeps pulling me down,
In this sea of sadness, I feel like I'll drown.

Love was the flame that warmed my core,
Now it's gone, and I'm left wanting more,
Grief engulfs me, I'm drowning in sorrow,
Seeking solace in a world so hollow.

But through the darkness, a glimmer appears,
A spark of hope to conquer my fears,
I'll rise from the ashes, stronger than before,
Embracing the pain, I'll find peace once more.

(Verse 3)
Though love brought pain and grief to my door,
It also taught me what my heart is for,
To feel deeply, to love and to care,
To find strength in pain, to be aware.

These emotions, they shape who I am,
The struggles I face, a part of life's plan,
With every tear shed, I grow and I learn,
And from this grief, new wisdom I earn.

Love was the flame that warmed my core,
Now it's gone, and I'm left wanting more,
Grief engulfs me, I'm drowning in sorrow,
Seeking solace in a world so hollow.

In the tapestry of life, these threads are weaved,
Love, pain, grief, and sadness received,
But I'll rise above, my spirit set free,
Embracing it all, finding strength within me.

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Yukarıdaki formu eksiksiz doldurun. Almayı düşündüğünüz şarkı sözünün söz yazarı tarafından belirlenmiş fiyatını girin.

Eksik ya da yanlış rakam girmeyiniz!

Ödemeniz sonrasında size muvafakatname gelene kadar bu eseri kullanamazsınız.

Söz yazar eserini satmaktan vazgeçmiş olabilir, habersiz başka birine satmış ve bize bildirmemiş olabilir. Böyle bir durumda ödediğiniz ücret iade edilecektir.

Eseri satın aldığınızda eser sahibinden onay gelene kadar ödenen ücret ST Yapım güvencesindedir, muvafakatname işlemi sonrasında tüm sorumluluk söz yazarına aittir ve Beste Bankası bu alışverişte muvafakatname alınana kadar sorumludur. Bunun dışında bir sorumluluğu yoktur.

Yukarıdaki şartları peşinen kabul etmiş olursunuz.  


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